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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 13, 2011 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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the brother knew what to do. great to be with you, see you friday. bill: see you then. alisyn: "happening now" starts now. jon: we begin with this fox news alert, breaking news and new video from mumbai, indian where three large explosions have rocked that city. we are getting reports that at least eight people are dead. more than a hundred injured in what appears to be a series of coordinated attacks. the blasts coincide with the birthday of the only surviving gunman from the 2008 mumbai attacks nearly three years ago. those attacks killed 166 people. let's go to kt mcfarland a fox news national security analyst and host of fox news.come live depth con 3. is it too early to assign responsibility. >> reporter: it is too early. a couple of things we need to
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keep in mind about the whole region, the last terrorist attacks, the mumbai attacks, the mumbai-style terrorist attacks on the hotel in mumbai those were ultimately traced, unofficially to the pakistani intelligence services. there are a couple of conclusions we want to make prior to making any real conclusions, probably is there a connection to pakistan unofficial or otherwise. is this the first attack that we're going to see and the only attack we're going to see? are there going to be more attacks in mumbai or other placesment third and probably most important, how does this affect pakistani-indian relations. that has been a border and boiling point for decades, the indiana yeah and pakistani relations. we are talking to the pakistanis saying, your biggest problem is not india, it's in pakistan and the taliban and terrorist attacks about you. the pakistanis always say, no, no it's india. who you worry about, jon,
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whoever's fault this is, this will increase tension between india and pakistan and those are two countries who have nuclear weapons. jon: we are looking from the state ride indian television. they are reporting eight people killed. that's what our viewers are seeing on the screen. this comes on the heels of the assassination of president karzai's brother in afghanistan. any likely correction there? >> reporter: not clear. i rather doubt it, although this is a part of the world where two weeks ago we saw an attack on the intercontinental poe tell in kabul. this is a part of the world that is boiling up again, whether it's in afghanistan, pakistan, whether it's potentially in india. those three countries are all linked. the indians have ties in afghanistan. the pakistanis are worried that the indians are going to make inch roads into pakistan and afghanistan as the united states leaves the region.
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so, again, it's too soon to make any conclusions about what is going on but it is certainly time to start looking at not only india and pakistan, but pakistan and afghanistan, and what has now become a very tense relationship, certainly since the raid on osama bin laden is the u.s. pakistani relationship. jon: k kt mcfarland, depth con . we'll continue to watch this. the investigation just a couple of hours old. k. t., thank you. >> reporter: thank you, jon. jon: good morning to you on this wednesday. i'm jon scott. patti ann: and i'm patti ann brown in for jenna lee. we are here in the fox newsroom. "happening now" a congressional meeting is underway after a stung report that shows gape holes in our security. more than 25,000 pwraoeps have occurred at american airports since november of 2001.
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that is an average of about seven a day. this is despite billions of taxpayer dollars spent to beef up airport security. one lawmaker says dramatic new steps must be taken to keep us safe. doug mcelway is live on capitol hill with more on the story. >> reporter: so far the tsa has had very little chance to defend itself in this hearing. but it has taken no shortage of slings and arrows from congressional critics and the panelists. it has admitted to seven security breaches a day since 2001. among them 6,000 improperly screened passengers with carry ons. 2600 people gained access to sterile areas of airport. 1300 people gave access to airport perimeter perimeters ar. the tsa this is a tiny fraction
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of the thousands and thousands who use the airports. listen to the manager of the charlotte, north carolina, international airport. >> i'm not critical of its nation, i am critical of its measures. the effectiveness of the tsa is compromised by a rigid attitude of after gans and brew rock arr. >> they held up a picture of the airport in tallahassee. listen to the sarcasm from him. >> i don't know of any explosive device that could possibly penetrate 16 feet here, except make a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: this hearing is sure to increase the public's frustration with the tsa government agency which has been taking a lot of bad publicity
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recently over the pat-downs of small children and senior children in wheelchairs, some of them diaper clad. at the same time it's an agency which is facing new and different evolving threats every day. one of the newest the threat of the so-called belly bomb, surgically implanted bombs. a no win situation, patti ann. patti ann: new action in the senate today after a major investigation into hidden telephone fees. it reveals a national problem. the largest phone companies in the country are profiting off of a practice that may be costing you money. steve centanni is live in washington. what has come out of this hearing so far. >> reporter: very powerful testimony calling these mysterious phone charges a scam. now with unsuspecting land line customers commonly being charged, without their knowledge for things they never bought. the practice is called cramming. a year-long congressional investigation found one phone company has placed approximately
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300 million third party charges on phone bills every year, these amount to $2 billion worth of charges a year. a large percentage of the charges are unauthorized cramming charges. more than a half a million customers have explained to their phone companies often not getting a very sympathetic response. j. rockefeller the chairman of the hearing say the phone companies need to be more vigilant. >> all telephone companies have anticramming patrol sees. they haven't made a serious effort to keep the crammers off their land line phone bills. even when the phone companies took a company off the bills the crammers come right back in. >> reporter: in illinois the attorney general testified to saying her state has filed some 30 different lawsuits against these crammers. patti ann: how are the phone companies reacting to all this. >> reporter: as senator rockefeller says they do have policies against the practice. verizon says in the statement verizon does not tolerate
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cramming. the company runs a risk of losing customers when cramming happens and they take an aggressive stance with third party providers who include unauthorized charges in our customers' bills. at&t says it's working hard to eliminate the phrob. but the phone companies also point out some customers find it convenient to pay for services through their phone bills if they actually ordered that product or service. the fcc meantime has also cracked down further on phone bill cramming with new rules proposed just yesterday. patti ann: steve centanni reporting live, thank you. jon: al-qaida working on building a very dangerous alliance. there is new intelligence showing al-qaida franchises in yemen and somalia want to expand outside that region. and they are doing a good job recruiting american citizens and putting them in charge. catherine herridge live from washington now. how concerned is u.s. intelligence about this
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relationship between the two al-qaida franchises. >> reporter: good morning, jon. u.s. officials confirm that operations both military and intelligence have intensified in the last year because the growing threat. the two al-qaida affiliates pose in somalia and yemen. the first american on the killer's capture list anwar al-awlaki sent significant time in yemen with a somali commander and their goal was to build a closer working relationship between the two groups. former intelligence and homeland security officials also say this is a natural union based on the geography alone. the al-qaida group in somalia has set up its base in the horn of east africa, it's a failed state that has them the freedom to train and successfully recruit american citizens and is a short boat ride away from yemen which is also on the verge of becoming a failed state as well. i think it's no surprise that we're about to see the cia launch a predator drone campaign in yemen that is virtually
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identical to the one in pakistan and the goals of those campaigns are two fold, one is to take out the leadership of the al-qaida group and keep the group under pressure so they find it difficult to plot and plan attacks in this case against the united states, jon. jon: so much concern about this al-qaida organization in yemen. what makes them stand out? >> reporter: well this group is special for a number of reasons. first and foremost they've been able to invent a bomb using nonmetallic explosives that defies screening. there is a newspaper here in washington d.c. that talks about this group's foreign operations unit. this is the unit that not only includes the american anwar al-awlaki, but also another learn called semir kahn. he's from north carolina. u.s. officials say he's behind this inspire magazine, a lifestyle magazine for would be jihaddists in the west. it's a good example of what i describe as the digital gentleman had.
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one of the reasons these groups have been successful in recruiting american citizens is they use social networking to do it, whether it's e-mailing, skaoeupg, it's the facebook group from hell. you have this foreign operation unit and two of the three members are in fact american citizens, jon. jon: catherine herridge reporting live from washington. thank you. continuing on the terrorism front in fox news alert we are just getting in new video now from that breaking news out of mumbai india. three large explosions have rocked that city so far. reports are that at least eight people are dead in what appears to be a series of coordinated attacks. the blasts coincide with the birthday of the only surviving gunman from the 2008 mumbai attacks. those attacks killed 166 people. we'll have more on this developing story as this fresh videotape continues to come in. also taking a look at the
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tanning industry, really just a bunch of small businesses all across the country, and they have been hit with a big tax, many forced to close their doors and that is having far-reaching affects. we are going to explore that live with that story. patti ann: a new add campaign claims that milk can cure pms. some people not happy about who the ad is targeting. live with details on that. johnston harris is live at wall. she has three hot videos. you get to choose which one. >> reporter: just above the stories you'll find that pms story about the milk. you have to check that out. after you vote in that poll then you have to decide which story you want to see. the choices for today, i love it when the viewers get a chance to say what they want, big, fuel tpheurbgt it's late but it's finally here and it goes a really long way without having to refuel and it holds a whole lot of people, do you want to see that, or do you want to see a suspect being walked down a hallway, this is in washington
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state, what happens as people take justice into their own hands, it's pretty unbelievable. remember there are cameras everywhere. and a two-headed snake. they say that one of the heads is dominant over the other. how do they know that? you make the choice, you decide, then we'll report what you decide. we are back in just a couple of minutes.
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patti ann: lots of folks are willing to pay to get that california tan. now it's going to cost you and costing the tanning industry big time, all due to the tan tax the
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government put in place. ashley webster of fox business network is live as beach bump tanning in new york city. hi, ashley, why was this tax introduced? >> reporter: well that's a big question. this is the idome super tanner here, this is probably their rolls royce of the building this cost you $36 per go inside, clearly i'm over dressed. this 10% tax took effect just over one year ago, july 1st of last year. it was designed to generate some $2.7 billion over the next decade. why was it put in place? well to help pay for president obama's healthcare bill, which stands at 940 bill kwrorz. supporterbillion dollars. supporters say it offsets the cost of treating skin cancer . however there has been another affect. the businesses themselves say look the extra cost is hurting us and it's hurting business.
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there is no doubt about it. the tanning salons say it's unfair to be singled out because this particular law, actually exempts tanning booths inside health clubs. because of that they say a you're hurting jobs and you're hurting these small businesses but you're also not being fair about it. it's been in effect for one year. we are in the middle of summer, maybe not as busy as you would be in the wintertime but it has had an impact. patti ann: did the politicians who supported this say it was a health mess sewer or revenue measure. >> reporter: they say both. this replaced what was supposed to be a 5% tax on cosmetic surgery. the botax. that got thrown out by heavy lobbying by the cosmetic surgery groups. it affects a lot of people. yes, you can make the health argument, although the tanning business says those health risks are exaggerated. the bigger cost they say is to
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the economy. let's take a look at some of the numbers very quickly. 18,000 tanning salons around the country 120,000 employees, 31 salons have closed according to the indoor tanning association in the past year with the loss of 24,000 jobs. now lawmakers in washington are trying to offer let's say a ray of hope by trying to have this tax repealed. patti ann: does it look like it stands a chance? >> reporter: well, not at this point, but we'll wait and see. if you can make the argument for the amount of jobs that are being lost and the impact it's having on small businesses then perhaps it may stand a chance in committee. patti ann: ashley webster t-r of the fox business network, thanks. jon: you know, mom always told you to drink your milk right? well there is a controversial new ad campaign for milk that mom might not be too happy about. it claims that milk might be a cure for pms. its not targeted to women, it's
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targeted to men who might be dealing with their symptoms we should say. >> reporter: pre menstrual syndrome, the irra built, bloating, things that women feel at that time of the month. they are taking it very seriously and they say milk can ease some of those symptoms. they are so serious about it that they've put together this campaign with these really kind of, you know, soft-looking guys, i saw soft emotionally because they are supposed to look beaten down as if the women in their lives have been brow beating them because they are all showing signs of pms. they say things like, i'm sorry i listened to what you said and not what you meant. and so on and so forth. just trying to get milk into the lives of not only the women suffering but the men in their lives too. well as you can imagine the california milk processor board is taking a lot of grief on this one. people are saying its sexist. it's part of our poll on we ask on our "happening now" page, funny, offensive or a bit
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of both. in addition to the ads they put together the website called the puppy dogs ies. it takes the guy's face and it morphs it into a face that you just can't be mean to. i wonder what is in the milk. the milk processors board, this is not the first time they pitched this idea. it didn't go well the first time. there is the poll, funny, offensive or a little bit of both. what do you think about the new pms campaign, and if it relieves those symptoms maybe women will come out in defense of it. who knows, patti ann, pre menstrual syndrome, just say it again. jon: pre menstrual syndrome. pathee ann is giving it the thumbs down. patti ann: the deadline is approaching and a brand-new
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proposal has been put on the table by a top republican. more on that coming up. ♪ [ slurp! ] [ female announcer ] hey, ladies, here's a little something [ chomp! ] you'll find irresistible, cinnamon toast crunch, with a delicious cinnamon and sugar taste that's amazing.
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crave those crazy squares. [ slurp! ]
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jon: brand-new twists and turns in this showdown over our national debt. lawmakers are gearing up for a new round of budget talks at the white house to begin just a few hours from now. it's becoming a real race against time. the deadline to raise the limit on america's credit card before the government starts to default now less than three weeks away. this as senate minority leader mitch mcconnell launches a long-shot proposal. it would give the president sweeping new powers to muscle through the debt ceiling increase if congress cannot muster a veto-proof majority to
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deny him. joining us now peter welch a democrat from vermont and the chief deputy wit david schweiker. congressman let's begin with you, if i understand this plan, and it gets a little bit in the weeds, tough for us not in the senate to understand. i understand this plan from senator mcconnell would allow the president to raise the debt limit essentially on his own and republicans would be able to walk away from it and say, he did this. we didn't vote for it. is that the way it would work? >> that's almost my impression. i appreciate the minority leader in the senate throwing out a proposal but i'm actually not particularly thrilled witness. i actually came here to do tough things and make tough votes, and i have no interest in walking away from that responsibility. jon: congressman welch do you agree with the way that i characterized the senator's
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plan. >> i do. my question to senator mcconnell is this. where is the backbone? it's our job as legislators, as david said, to make these tough decisions. we can let folks decide yes or no if they support what we did or they wanted to replace us. this is a astonishing proposal from the leader of a party who wants to throw up his hands and say we'll turn the key over the president and deny any responsibility. this is a backbone-free proposal. jon: it seems to give both sides what they want, congressman schweickert. they say we have to raise the debt limit, and the other side says they want to do it without raising taxes. >> if both sides are getting what they want it's probably a bad proposal. we have very tough things we have to deal with, but it's reality, it's called math. when you look at the baby boom
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population coming into retaoeufrplt and the scalintores debt. this is a great opportunity, let's step up and do what is necessary. i want to make a correction. the word default means we don't pay the interest on our coupon or don't refinance our bond. what do you do with the one-third of government that no longer can be financed through borrowing? jon: well, what would your proposal be, congressman welch? >> there are two things here. number one we do have to pay our bills, and whatever it takes for us to pay our bills and maintain full faith and credit i'm totally committed to doing it. second we have a long term plan to get fiscal balance restored. we need a balance of revenues and a balance of cuts. democrats have to acknowledge the cut view, on my part we have to recognize the revenue part. the president said hey, let's do
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4 trillion. the ryan budget increases the debt from 14.3 trillion to 23 trillion. if you voted for that budget then you vote again the debt ceiling you voted for a pwupbl thaet requires the debt ceiling to go up. third there is this abdication in senator mcconnell's plan, this is where david and i really agree. the american people have a low opinion of congress and it's going down and we don't elevate that by dodging tough decisions we engage it by making the hardy situations. jon: what happens, congressman? you in the house are subject to the voters every two years. what happens if you make these tough decisions that you're both saying you want to make and you get voted out of office? >> that's called life. you know. at some point the joy of standing up in front of an audience and telling them the truth, because the reality, washington d.c., year, after year, after year has not told
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the american people the truth of the scale of the problem. look i've only been here six months. there is a lot of very good, very smart people here but it is a political place that cares about their re-election. maybe this is the year we careless about our re-election and tell more about telling the truth of how the scale of this problem has to be dealt with. >> you know, david and i both have won elections and we've boat lost elections. either way life goes on. the bottom line is if you have a chance to serve then you want to help solve problems. in my view this is a sollable problem. if we want to get from here to there we have to focus on it. there are concrete decisions, balance the revenues, balance the cuts. it's not an ideological battle to be won it's a practical problem to be solved and that requires that we work together. jon: you can't get much farther apart than arizona and vermont.
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congressmen, interesting discussion, thanks for sharing it with us today. >> any time. >> thank you. patti ann: we're going to have more on that breaking news out of india. a terrorist attack deadly. we will have more right after the break. also casey anthony is just days away from freedom. already plenty of books are in the works and one of them takes them inside the mind of the woman acquitted of charges she murdered her daughter. we'll speak with the author coming up.
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three explosions rocked mumbai, india today, the blasts occurring in the crowded district of india's financial capitol during rush hour, reportedly killing at least ten people. it is the biggest attack on this city since the 2008 assault. joining us live by phone from new delhi is barinda berwashere. thank you for joining us. one of these blasts occurred at the opera house not far from where the 2008 rampage took place back then, that attacked killed 166 people, the militants who claimed responsibility for that were based in pakistan. we have no claim of responsibility yet for this one but do you suspect the same group? >> reporter: well, no group, as you rightly point out has claimed responsibility, but yes, today is an important date because it is -- remember,
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it was the terrorist, the only one to have been captured. it's an extremely rare coincidence. today's attack comes a week after the train blast in mumbai, the train blast where high explosives had been camouflaged and the attack took place on 7/7, so the dates, again, very interesting, because you know, you had the two dates which still investigators are sticking to what we can confirm right now, it was a high intensity blast, and number two, they were all in crowded places an mumbai
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police are telling us that the casualty figures are likely to go up. right now, there are at least 70 injured who have been rushed to hospitals in mumbai. patti ann: terrible. yeah, the injuries were caused by ieds. we mentioned the opera house. one of the other blasts was in the city of diamond hub, the other was in the center of the city. describe the scene there now >> reporter: remember, all the street sites, they are very, very crowded areas. the blast happened at about 6:25 in the evening, which is rush hour in mumbai. several buildings were on fire and the mumbai police are now looking to see whether the i.e.d.s were placed within -- there's a taxi on fire, there's another blast happened here, a bus station.
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so clearly, the aim was to ensure a high casualty rate. patti ann: all right. >> a large number of people have been injured. and mumbai sources telling us that the casualty figure is going to go up and climb higher. patti ann: well, a tragic situation. thank you very much for joining us today. best of luck. thank you. jon: new name, new identity. that's reportedly what casey anthony wants as soon as she's released from jail. she's also hearing that she's going to be wearing a disguise after she walks free. anthony is set to be released on sunday from the orange county jail in florida. she, worries, was acquitted of killing her two-year-old daughter caylee. now some eye opening new details on the case that gripped the nation. in a new book, "inside the mind of casey anthony", it's in the works by psychiatrist and fox news contributor dr. keith ablow.
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dr. ablow, maybe you can explain this. the jurors, those we've heard from, have said you know, there was no evidence that this woman was anything more than a good mother, and that her parenthood was in some way interfering with the life of party girl, that she supposedly wanted to lead. no evidence of that. when you look inside her mind, do you see such evidence? >> well, obviously, jon, there was the evidence, if you will, of her going out and partying in the aftermath of the loss of her daughter, you had the bounty hunter padilla whose staff was living with casey anthony after she was bailed out of jail, before she then wrote frawnd lent checks and was rejailed, reimprincipled, but the bottom line is yes, sure, the images look compelling but what are we learning, we're learning this is somebody who wasn't able really to focus on the reality of loss, who either through narcissism or other
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psychological symptoms or other dynamics within this family was not in touch with the kinds of grief and pain that would normally grip a mother but that's not evidence that she killed anybody. she may have, but that's not evidence of it. jon: i think most people are sympathetic toward george and cindy anthony, her parents, and yet, the accused sprang from them. i mean, they are the people that bore this woman. >> boy, sympathetic to george and cindy anthony? can you imagine? that's one of the reasons i'm writing this book, because these dynamics don't spring from nowhere. they have long histories. people need to understand that every act, even the most horrible, is explicable, understandable, particularly when you use psychological principles, to unravel them. so no, am i saying that i'm grieving for cindy and george anthony? even the jurors have said
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that one of the reasons they acquitted the foreman says he thought that mr. anthony was not being forthcoming. jon: it's interesting that apparently cindy is going -- i'm sorry, casey is going to be taking on disguises, according to sources, after she leaves jail, you know, maybe hair dye, plaintiffs talk of maybe plastic surgery which supposedly she has refused, but her team says she does not understand the depth of the vitriol among people who are on the outside. she's been sheltered from all that for these three years in jail. >> she doesn't understand anything. see, that's the thing. you know, police were at a loss, why would she take us to a place of work that she doesn't even work? why isn't she grieving the loss of her daughter? this is a young woman who's been wearing one disguise or another her entire existence so it's in a way a terrible, predictable tragedy that she
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would come out of incarceration only to be costumed, but she's been wearing a mask, if you will, for a long time, and i got to tell you, on the stand and in her writings from prison to other inmates, which i've reviewed, the way she describes being sexually abused, i'm not saying right now whether it happened or didn't, is the way that victims of sexual abuse relate those feelings to me. it's exactly the way they do. none of what she says about that sounds, sounds, fabricated. not to this forensic psychiatrist. jon: he's working on the book "inside the mind of casey anthony". i think a lot of people would like to read it. dr. keith ablow, thank you. >> thanks jon. patti ann: if you're the parent of an obese child, listen up. should you risk losing custody? an influential medical journal says maybe so. what is in the best interest of the child? dr. manny joins us next.
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patti ann: the doctor is in and childhood obesity, of course, is a growing problem in this country. since 1980 the number of obese children has more than tripled. today, approximately 12 1/2 million kids are obese. and these children face health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone and joint problems, among other things and now this crisis is sparking a very controversial moral dilemma, should the parents of extremely obese children lose custody for not controlling their kids' weight? that's what happened to single mom jerry grey, her 14-year-old son weighed more than 550 pounds, he was taken away from her two years ago and since that time he has lost more than 200 pounds, but grey says he still calls her all the time, asking when he can come back home. dr. manny alvarez is the senior managing editor for and a member of the fox news medical a team. thank you very much for
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joining us. it's a big article in the journal of the american medical association supporting the idea of removing the kids temporarily but you think it's a slippery slope. >> i think it's premature and can be quite dangerous in many circumstances because look, when a child is in danger, it's a multifactorial problem, neglect, physical abuse, mental abuse, hostile environment, but if you look at the obesity problem for a lot of kids in america it's an economic problem, it's an educational problem, parents have to work two and three jobs to make ends meet, they have to kind of buy the cheapest food available and what that is is mostly food that promotes obesity. so you know, it's not necessarily -- this to me is very problematic because the last thing you want to do is to have some sort of bureaucrat with a high school diploma come to the house and take your child away because somebody has reported that child to be extremely overweight. what the government should do and physicians and medical professionals, we should be working towards finding solutions that
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parents can utilize effectively in dealing with extreme weight problems, and i think that approach, even though it has been utilized and people argue well, you see that kid that was 500 pounds, he lost 200 pounds and therefore, that was a success story. maybe not. maybe the psychological scars of detaching families from one another is probably as devastating as the obesity problem. and look, you could argue, and i'm sorry to interrupt, but this has me very upset, what happens when the child is failing school and he honor --o he or she gets fs, is that poor parenting because you don't do home work with your children and don't teach other kids how to have good grades, so we're going to take that and the state is going to supervise your children? so we have to be very careful in this overtaking, every time we have a problem we go and break up families. that's my point here. patti ann: bio ethicist bart kaplan says the children are victims of advertising,
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marketing, peer pressure and bullying, things the parent can't control, but as you point out, when the kids are removed or when the sent moved in with the aunt, he lost 200 powers, so obviously parents do have some control. >> there are cases when you have an overall abuse where obesity is a consequence of neglect and punishment and therefore it is perfectly okay to salvage that child, but just on the policy and looking at one specific aspect i think is premature and dangerous. patti ann: dr. manny alvarez, this is going to be big debate for a while. jon. jon: we showed you the controversial milk ad suggesting milk might help women with symptoms of pms. into you -- do you think that campaign is offensive? go to now and vote in our online a len poll.
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patti ann: news on newscorp today, the parent company of fox news channel, and amy kellogg has the story live from london. amy. >> reporter: hi patti ann. well, news corporation decided to drop its bid to buy remaining shares in bskyb, britain's largest satellite broadcasting company. this doesn't mean, patti ann, that newscorp won't revisit the plan sometime down the road but for now it's been scrapped. newscorp issued a statement saying it had believed that newscorp taking over bskyb would actually benefit both companies but it is clear in the current climate it can't progress with the deal, newscorp owns 39 percent of the shares in bskyb. there was a lively debate in the british parliament today. it was expected that the government would vote this
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evening to ask news corporation to drop its bid to take over bskyb. even though newscorp has dropped the bid, apparently that discussion tonight is going on but here's what british prime minister david cameron said at a preliminary debate this morning: >> what has happened to this company is disgraceful, it's got to be addressed at elf level and they should stop thinking about mergers when they've got to sort out the mess they've created. >> reporter: cameron has, patti ann, welcomed newscorp's decision to drop its bid to take over bskyb, all of this, of course, stems from the phone hacking scandal which had been ongoing for some time, but sort of reached a new level last week, and that led to newscorp and news inter, its overseas arm, to decide to sell its very popular sunday tabloid newspaper, news of the world, and now there is a very deep inquiry going on into exactly the extent of this phone hacking that was allegedly used to procure
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information off cell phones, both -- all three rupert murdoch, his son, james, the head of news corporation overseas, and rebecca brooks, who is news international's chief executive, have been asked to appear before a parliamentary committee to answer questions. newscorp has vowed to cooperate in this case but it's not clear who if any of that trio are going to actually sit and take those questions next week. back to you. patti ann: amy kellogg, live in london, thank you. jon: earlier, harris told you about this controversial ad campaign, it claims milk can cure pms. surprisingly it is not targeted to men but -- to women but to men who have to deal with the symptoms. harris is monitoring the results. >> >> reporter: i am. it is the battle over moo juice and this is a take over the stereotype that women for several days a month become irrational,
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crazed, given victim to premenstrual symptom and there is scientific proof that a diet high in car sum content is good at releaving and preventing pms symptoms. even so, the funny ad campaign is rubbing some people the wrong way, so we ask you, what do you think? are they funny? 61 percent of you say they're just plain funny, 19 percent, almost 20 percent, say they were offensive and the rest of you say it's a little bit of both. again, you don't have to drink milk, you could do yogurt, spinach, mozzarella cheese, tofu so get that high calcium die theat doctors say will help you but are the ads necessary? we report, you decide. jon: jon: >> sardines! patti ann: we have reports out of india, a top indian official saying that the triple blasts in mumbai have killed 17 at least and wounded 81.
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the number is very fluid. we'll have an update after this. i used to see the puddles, but now i see the splash. ♪ i wanted love, i needed love ♪ ♪ most of all, most of all... ♪
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jon: a fox news alert and the death count is rising as multiple explosions rock mumbai, india, some brand new pictures just in to fox from the scenes of those blasts. more than a dozen people dead now, more than -- well, more than 100 are injured throughout the city, we're told, the same city terrorized by pakistani militants back in 2008 when gunmen stormed hotels and a train station there and killed more than 100 people. national correspondent catherine herridge, live with more from washington now. catherine. >> reporter: thank you jon. u.s. officials are monitoring the situation in mumbai, india, first and foremost, they're looking for a claim of responsibility. these still photos that we have now of the blast sites are significant for a couple of reasons. first and foremost, the home ministry in india, that's our equivalent of the homeland security department, has described this as a terror attack and that these were simultaneous
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attacks and simultaneous set of explosions is really one of the secretaries of terrorism. the report that mumbai, one was in a neighborhood, one was in a jewelry district and another at the opera house and based on the reporting and the still photos, what we see is it does appear the device were improvise the explosive devices planted in the parked cars. that's a different signature from what we saw in mumbai years ago, those were small scale attacks but command-style attacks with handful of a young list of men who had backpacks with explosives and guns which led to that three-day seige, hostage taking and a loss of more than 180 peoples peoples' lives. i think the other thing that's significant is we've had a quick response from the pakistani leadership to express their condolences not only from the prime minister but also, from the president there. that's important, because it's another indicator that certainly in that region of the world, suspicion would almost immediately fall on pakistan in this case. there's been no claim of
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responsibility. that's significant because, again, this attack in mumbai, india in 2008 went to a group called let which does have ties to the pakistani intelligence service and i would just emphasize based on the reporting i've been doing on the american recruits to this organization, there was an american, david hedby who did the reconnaissance for that attack in 2008 so, so it wasn't just a foreign operation, if you will. what we know now, the equivalent of their homeland security department are saying it was a terrorist attack, three explosion, simultaneous, one of the hallmarks of terrorism and they appeared to be i.e.d.s contained in parked cars and again, that is a departure from the style of attack we saw three years ago. jon: and the troubles just seem to get worse in that part of the world. >> reporter: and they're expecting more. they're on high alert. there may be more devices they're searching for right now. jon: catherine herridge, thanks. >> you're welcome.
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jon: we begin our second hour on this wednesday, i'm jon scott. patti ann: i'm patti ann brown in for jenna lee. "happening now", casey anthony will be a free woman in four days but her freedom could look a whole lot different than the life she knew before she was put behind bars. various reports indicate the florida woman, found not guilty in her daughter's death, will be living somewhat like she's in the witness protection program. anthony could sport a new look, live in an undisclosed new house and change her name. phil keating is live from miami with more. >> reporter: hi patti ann. considering the death threats that have reportedly been made against casey anthony's parents and even some of the jurors who acquitted her of first degree murder it certainly seems reasonable that come sunday casey anthony will at least live life low profile in the short term after getting out of jail but as far as drastically altering her appearance or living under a fake name -- make name, quote, i don't know
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where they're getting that from, takes crock, just b.s. her biggest concern is getting out of jail and safely. we will keep her safe and give her options. ultimately, it is her decision on where to go, that from a member of casey anthony's defense team, contacted by us this morning, dismissing these reports that she has no idea as to the depth of the hatred that exists out there. but where casey anthony goes sunday upon release from jail is unknown, at least publicly, at the moment. she denied a visitration request -- visitation request from her mother cindy and accused her father of sexually molesting her during the trial, calling him a monster at one point but as soon as she leaves jail where she's been in protective custody for nearly three years now she will be on her own. >> our intelligence session is akes -- is assessing the threats. obviously people have strong sentiments about the outcome. once again, certainly nobody has a right to take the law into their own hands.
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for us, casey had her day in court, you know, the prosecutors presented a case, the defense presented a case, and the jury made a decision. >> and this morning, in orlando, action at the orange county jail, casey anthony in her jail cell was served a subpoena in behalf of ecqui search that spent $100,000 in 2008 looking for caylee anthony who we now know never was missing at all. >> we felt -- we did what we felt was necessary to do and we'll now see if the system is going to work, and we hope we don't get the same jury! that's a fact. >> >> reporter: tim miller says the most upsetting aspect of all of this, that 2008 searching for caylee, is that they spent more than half their annual budget trying to find caylee so they blew off legitimate
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missing child searches so they could look for caylee. now, as for sunday, how exactly the orange county sheriff's department is going to release casey to the public, that is still being worked out, but as soon as sunday begins, basically a second after midnight in the dark hours of the morning, that begins when she could be released throughout the day and whether we'll have forewarning or get that departure shot that everybody would like to see, we will find out. back to you patti ann. patti ann: phil keating live in miami, thanks. jon: the political positioning continues ahead of the 2012 presidential elections. the republican not committee is releasing a brand new web video targeting president obama's economic record, this as the president's reelection team announces staggering fundraising numbers. carl cameron, live with that from washington. carl. >> reporter: by jon, big bucks inkeyed -- indeed, $47 million the president
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raised, that's half a million donors who gave an average of half a million dollars a day for three months, the second quarter. the democratic national committee combined for $38 million in addition, so that's a record shattering $86 million in three months. obama's campaign manager, jim lucina, released a video this morning n. part, suggesting the democrats are going to need to prepare for republicans to actually outraise then. listen to this: >> our report this week will be more than 15,000 pages of information about who's making donations and how we're spending our money. gop outside spending for 2012 could be as much as $500 million. but these groups don't report anything. we're not allowed to see any of those numbers. >> reporter: as lucina said, those are outside groups. the gop candidates combined have not raised as much as president obama's reelection campaign. the rnc struggling to get out of debt, and that was all left by the former chairman. nonetheless they launched on
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attack in four states, states where president obama won by more than ten points in 2008 but is now very much at risk, the ad juxtaposes the rhetoric in the convention speech in denver to the economic realities now. >> you mention progress by how many people can have a job, whether you can put extra money away at the end of each month so you can someday watch your child receive a college diploma. >> >> reporter: the president is quite vulnerable in the polls, thoughs latest quinnipiac survey in head to head matchups he would actually beat all republican candidates. mitt romney holds the president beneath 50 percent but he still comes up second against president obama, 47-41 percent, jon. jon: carl cameron in washington, thank you.
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patti ann: the u.s. imports more than half of its oil, but a government study shows the greatest fossil fuel reserves on the planet are right here in america. there's just one problem. most of it is locked up in shale rock formations. john roberts is live in atlanta to explain. hi john. >> reporter: hey patti ann. it's oil shale rock from the peonce basin in colorado. it's not much to look at true believers say this lowly piece of rock could go a long way towards securing america's energy independence. >> this is called a mahogany ledge where the richest oil shale is. >> >>st stretches from colorado to utah, just waiting to be tapped. >> how rich is this in oil? >> this is probably a richness that's about a barrel of oil in a ton of rock. >> but in 100 years of trying, no one has been able to crack the code to make oil shale pay off. >> oil shale, it's defeated a lot of ingenious engineers
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for decades and decades and decades. will that always be the story? we don't know yet. >> there's more potential oil here than in the middle east, russia, and venezuela combined so companies keep innovating, in utah, n shale has developed new technology to extract oil from the rock by heating it on the surface. >> how does it smell? >> it smells a little like tar, a a little bit like cigars. >> that came out of a rock? >> that's out of that rock, yeah. >> other issues -- kess, shell, exxon and american shale oil have spent millions on research to extract the oil underground, they're putting heaters down wells to cook the rock at 700 degrees. basically, accelerating what nature would have done over millions of years. >> is this ever going to be viable? >> you know, i've been at this for about 40 years and i'm still hoping that it will, and you know, i believe it might be because we have this new technology. >> but there are also big environmental concerns. heating the rock underground could take enormous amounts
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of electricity, new power plants may have to be built, and oil shale could be a real water hog, in a region that barely has enough to go around. >> is there enough water to do it? >> no, there isn't. twenty, 30 years from now, we're going to be scrambling for every drop of water we can find, for our farms, for our cities, and to keep these rivers and the economy that these rivers support viable. >> reporter: because of environmental concerns, the obama white house has put on hold and is reviewing bush-era rules and regulations concerning the rapid development of oil shale. that prompted wyoming senator john barrasso to introduce a bill recently that would put it back on the fast track, saying with all the instability in world oil markets, in world oil producers like the middle east we just can't wait a moment to get started on development. patti ann: john roberts, thanks. jon: a jury made up of ten women and two men is set to decide whether or not former pitching ace roger clemens lied about using performance
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enhancing drugs, prosecutors are telling that jury they have dna evidence. also a new report out shows egregious lapses in the nation's airport security. plus harris is tracking the must-see moment. >> reporter: actually, let's focus on the website because it's, click on jon and jenna's beautiful picture, and that takes us to the place where you need to vote on the stories today. this is your decision to see, what do you want to sow, want the rest of the nation to watch, the superplane, superfuel efficient, runs on fuel without refuelling for a superlong time? or what happens when some people just cannot wait for justice? this is a courthouse. it looks like a brawl, because it is. maybe you want to see that surveillance video. or come on, what would life be without 2-headed snakes? i understand there are two in the world. maybe they live in other places. but this can be your very own to show the rest of us.
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jon: new information on gaining holes in airport security in this country, the subject of a appearing today on capitol hill. utah congressman jason chaffetz, chairman of this hearing warns the number of airport security breaches remains stunningly high in this country and he says despite the invasive patdowns, the billions of dollars spent on those intrusive body scanners, u.s. airports are still vulnerable to terrorist attack. congressman chaffetz, joining us now from capitol hill. your hearing has just wrapped up or are you taking a break? >> just wrapped it up. jon: 25,000 breaches of airport security in this country? >> those are -- are the ones we know about. what scares me -- scares me are the ones we don't know about. it's a stunningly high number, we've thrown tens of billions at this, taken
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naked pictures of people at the airport, yet we're not doing the basics we need to be doing, for instance, it came out in the hearing more than nine -- 80 percent of the nation's airports, 487 of them, more than 80 percent have never had a joint vulnerability assessment done. i don't know how we can secure the airports and secure the weakest link when more than 80 percent of those airports have never had the highest standard of assessment done by the tsa and the fbi. that's just unacceptable. jon: you're saying we don't know where the weakest links are because we've never looked for them? >> we have problems in dallas, charlotte, in lax, we have, you know, perimeter s -- perimeter screening issues, we have a project at jfk in new york which has to be one of the biggest threats, they have -- it's terrible problems for all the mon and effort put on it. we take off shoes but we don't do behavioral profiling, we aren't using
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enough of the bomb sniffing dogs which according to the pentagon is the best way to find the bomb making devices. it's terribly frustrating where we are. jon: has political correctness taken over? if you're searching the diaper essentially of a 95-year-old great grandmother, is that political correctness run amock? >> the challenge is how to be more security and less invasive and we don't need the body imaging machines which have limited results. what we need are like the bomb sniffing dogs. but the whole body imaging machines have something that dogs don't have, they have lobbyists, so we spent $175,000 for the machines that we know have gaping holes in the ability to detect the balls, yet we've got a dog that costs $30,000 we don't have enough of them. jon: and you have terrorists getting one step ahead of us, apparently, threatening or possibly, you know,
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training to either hide bombs in their person or have the bombs surgically implanted, which no machine is going to be able to find. >> well, and that's where we heard testimony today, you give me a good german shepherd that's properly trained and if there's something in a body cavity that's an explosive device, the best way to find that is a dog. it's not only a great deterrent but it's a great way to find the problem that may be there at the airport. jon: congressman jason chaffetz, congressman, i certainly wish you well in trying to do something about those invasive patdowns and scans and everything else at the air. i think a lot of people are with you on that. thank you. >> thank you. patti ann: an army veteran who lost both legs in iraq dies in an accident at an amusement park after falling from a roller coaster. friends now say he should have never been allowed on that ride. we'll talk about that. also lots of questions about the state of our economy, the "wall street journal"'s steve moore is
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here to answer your questions, log on to fox news.cole/happening now, click on the america's asking tab to send us a question.
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patti ann: new information on three high profile legal cases we're watching, opening argument necessary the perjury trial of roger clemens, he is accused of lying to congress about taking performance enhancing drugs during his major league baseball career. and jared lee loughner, accuse -- accused of shooting gabrielle giffords and 18 others in jap, he has been ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial. >> rodney king best known for his connection to the
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1992 l.a. riots, arrested on suspicion of drink driving. the riots killed more than 150 people. jon: just into the fox news room, police in new york say a disabled iraq war veteran who was thrown from a roller coaster and died never should have been allowed on that ride. harris faulkner live at the breaking news desk with what happened. >> reporter: this is the dorian lake park between rochester and buffalo, new york and jon, you're absolutely right, the sheriff says he never should have been allowed on that ride because, quote, he did not have the physical attributes to hold him in, a dump amputee, iraq war veteran, he says should not have been on that ride, however, there will be no criminal charges filed against the park operators and that is the big headline today, because whether they violated park policy really
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is at issue here. he was out with his family, sergeant james hackimer, he was in iraq in 2008, hit by a roadside bomb, returned, was on the mend, out are his family when that happened. it was an accident, that's what the genessee county sheriff's department is calling it, no criminal charges filed against the park operators but definitely a heart break. hackimer fell 150 feet from the second highest turn on that roller coaster. jon: that is just so sad. harris, thank you. patti ann: deadly triple explosions rocked mumbai, india's financial capitol. officials there say the blast struck crowded neighborhoods within minutes of each other during the evening rush hour. at least 13 people killed, dozens more injured. reena ninan was in mumbai when pakistani militants unleashed a wave of terror back in 20 08 and she joins us now live from jerusalem. reena.
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>> reporter: patti ann, mumo mumbai remains on high alert. we're hearing that they are dispatching national security teams to go to mumbai to assess the situation. they are uncertain if there are possibly more attacks to come this evening. as of now the death toll is 17 and as many as 81 injured. our sources are saying they expect the injured number to rise. india's home minister who is the head of india's homeland security called this a terrorist attack and said it is coordinated. our sources with the mumbai police are saying it might be too early to tell, but when i pressed them on who they think might be behind it, they called a nup graimed the indian muhajadeen may be behind this attack, the group has ties to itaba, believed to be behind the 2008 attack, which that group had ties to pakistan. that's interesting patti ann because it's coming on the day that pakistan's head of intelligence, the very powerful intel chief from
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ahmed suga, is headed to washington to discuss with intelligence agents and possibly as well as with the military their ties that are not going so well between pakistan and the u.s. in fact, it comes just days after the u.s. military has decided to cut some $800 million in aid to pakistan. the tensions are very high there. but again, indian police telling us it's too early to tell, but the early initial indication is that this group, the indian muhajadeen may possibly be behind behind this attack. it's coming on the birthday of the lone suspect who was captured from the mumbai attacking in mumbai prison, that it was his birthday today. coincidence or not, hard to tell. but a lot going on, especially with the relations with pakistan. patti ann: reena nina, thank you. jon: it is a technology that has helped nab terrorists, and it can work simply by putting it on an iphone as an app, but should cops on
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the street be allowed to use it? surprisingly controversial. >> half the country is under brutal heat conditions. who has it the worst, when is it going to let up? janice dean from the fox weather center. >> ♪ >> ♪ hot fun in the summertime. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. toi switched to a complete0, fibmultivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's.
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woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting man: yes it was. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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patti ann: the national weather service posting heat advisories or warnings in 23 states from oklahoma to connecticut. blistering temps in the southwest ticking into triple digits for the second week in a row. janice dean is in the fox weather center with more on this. >> hi, patti ann. we certainly broke records yesterday. it is not just the record-breaking but the amount of days we're seeing temperatures well above 100 degrees in a lot of areas. places like russellville, arkansas, raleigh, north carolina, even bridgeport, connecticut set a daily record at 95 degrees. the good news we have a cold front helping a lot of folks across the midwest and the northeast. down south we're dealing with heat indices from 100 to 115 degrees. the real feel temperature, if you will when you head outside. the humidity is combined. feels like 97 in birmingham. 100 in jackson. you move to the southeast
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where it is down right steamy. 107 feels like with the heat index in savannah. 98 in tallahassee. the good news is? some areas seeing relief from the heat. the bad news this weekend, patti ann, another heat wave coming. it could be worse than this one. back to you. patti ann: janice dean, thank you. jon: right now the debt crisis, president obama and top leaders in congress set to hold another round of talks at the white house. they hope to come so some kind of an agreement to raise the nation's debt limit. so what happens if a deal is reached how much america can charge and how much is it going to affect you, the taxpayer? chief washington correspondent james rosen live in the nation's capitol with more. james? >> good afternoon. we hear so much about the debt ceiling and hear numbers thrown around in the billions and trillions but as our savvy market be peeps fox news were to realize it is all your money. let's look how your money is being spent in connection with the debt ceiling.
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if uncle sam gets another 2 1/2 trillion in borrowing authority before august 2nd which is the framework we've all heard about, the debt ceiling would rise from the current 14.2 trillion, to this number, 16.7 trillion. wouldn't you love to get a check that looks like that sometime? this by the way only will get us through the 2012 elections. let's see what you might personally contributing to the retirement of all that debt. we have something on our website called the taxpayer calculator. it is derived from averages based on your income levels. let's pop in income level here. say you make 50 to $99,000 a year. then your share of that 16.7 in debt turns out to be 73 thousand and change. you might be perplexed how you make 50 grand a year could be asked to contribute 73 grand to retire our debt? one figure is higher than the other. that's right. that's why we are calling it debt. we will never pay off the national debt pause our tax base is not large enough to
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keep that payment and social security, education department, national parks and all the other bill uncle sam pays from day to day. by the way that income bracket of 50 to $100,000 a year, they basically account for eight teach% of our tax burden. in this country. if you wonder who pays taxes each year this pie chart shows you. now lastly you have a chance to vote on all this before the 2012 elections. you can go to our website at and we ask you, do you approve of this program? meaning the extension of the debt ceiling to 16.7 trillion. you can check, yes, no or maybe. i close with interesting fax toyed about this handy feature accessible at did you know, jon scott, the taxpayer calculator contains more sophisticated technology than the apollo 11 capsule that put neil armstrong on the moon? jon: doesn't surprise me. it takes amazing amount of calculation to do all that work. james rosen, thank you. >> reporter: thank you.
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>> america is asking a lot of questions about the u.s. economy and what will happen if congress fails to reach an agreement on the debt ceiling. stephen moore is senior economic writer for "the wall street journal." thanks for joining us. >> hi, patti ann. patti ann: hi. we'll start with that one. people want to know what is the true impact if we don't raise the debt cap and what is the list of bills that will and will not be paid? >> well i think the real impact, patti ann, if we don't get some real spending cuts because there are so many anxiety among americans and investors around the world about whether the united states can get serious about bringing spending down and bringing that enormous debt that james rosen was talking about down to more manageable levels. so i do think it is absolutely essential that any debt deal have a program where we bring that debt down in a sustained way, in a meaningful way over the next ten years. now, to your question about whether or not, what's going to get paid and what's not, i will tell your viewers this with certainty. there will be no default on
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government debt. there is enough money to pay off the bondholders. in the first few weeks there is also enough money to pay for social security and medicare. but what happens is, the first week or so if we haven't passed the debt ceiling you may see things like the department of interior, some of the national parks might be closed. might see the department of education and energy close down. but i would suspect this impasse would not last more than a few days. patti ann: you mentioned the world economy. rachel wants to know should i take money out of the markets based on news out of europe? >> oh wow! the greece contagion looks like it is starting to hit other countries like italy and portugal. so yeah, europe is a real fragile economic zone right now where you could see a contagion effect, contaminate a lot of these countries. i'm not bullish on europe right now because they have, believe it or not, patti ann, they have a bigger debt problem than we have in the united states. >> now we have more of a question, more of a suggestion than a question but i want to get your reaction to it.
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>> okay. patti ann: tie the deficit increase to a budget based on 18% of gdp and the fair tax. create less spending, more revenue, no subsidies. what about that? >> wow, do i like that. who asked that question? patti ann: from our "happening now" chat. no name, sorry. >> i want that person to run for president. i love the idea. getting spending down from 25 to 18% of gdp is very achievable. something we need to do. i'm not totally sold on the fair tax but i'll say this, moving toward a consumption tax system with 20% tax rate that would be like rocket fuel for our economy. we wouldn't have a problem creating jobs if we had a consumption tax in this country and not an income tax. patti ann: okay. there you go. then we have craig asking, are there surveys done by which small business owners discussed the actual impact of obamacare on the marketplace before the primary legislation goes into effect? >> yes. absolutely. that's a great question too. i actually, i've done surveys myself talking to small business owners around
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the country. they are petrified of obamacare. they think it will add a lot of costs. i talk to business owners say it will cost $1100 per employee. those people that own mcdonald's and burger king and dunkin' donuts franchises. this will be very expensive for employers and it will have a negative effect on their willingness to hire more workers. my feeling we should suspend obamacare until we get the unemployment rate down below 7%. patti ann: steve moore. thanks a lot. a lot more questions. sorry we couldn't get to all of them. >> great to be with you. jon: those we got to are good questions. we know you're heading off for vacation and now easier than ever before to take fox news with you. go to and find out how to connect to the cell phone, smartphone or pretty much any device.
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>> coming up on "america live", congressman steve
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king is now openly questioning john boehner's leadership on this debt issue. he is with us. he will tell us about that and how the tea party congresspeople are planning this whole thing and what they're going to do next. he is here with fwhex. it is now open season on michele bachmann. monica crowley joins us and she says that the gop candidate needs to be ready for what is headed her way. she will tell us what that means. should a child be removed from their home because they are obese? two folks at harvard say yes and that has unleashed a huge debate. all that and much more coming up on "america live" at the top of the hour. we'll see you then. jon: futuristic law enforcement tools raising some real world privacy concerns. police departments nationwide are preparing to give their officers controversial facial recognition technology but is it constitutional for them to use it? we have senior counsel for the electronic privacy information center and
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director of epic's open government project. the way this works and it has been tested in war zones, you take an iphone. you equip it with an app that has facial recognition technology and if you're looking for a bad guy, you can have one soldier snap a picture of somebody who comes up to a check point and, it runs it through a database and finds out if that is the bad guy you're looking for. that is basically what we're talking about right? >> that is exactly what we're talking about. this is technology that was born in a war zone and now police agencies are proposing to use it on american citizens. jon: what's wrong with that? >> it is a deeply flawed program because it collect as unique biometric identifier for everyone who the police take a picture of and that unique biometric identifier, that facial recognition fingerprint, if you will, can be compared against others. it can be collected. it can be used in an attempt to identify folks but the basic problem that that
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biometric identifier is extraordinarily prone to error. it often misidentifies individuals and you can imagine the circumstances that would result if police misidentified an innocent person as a criminal. jon: but there are also, well, there is also a component of it that allows you to do iris scans. iris scans are as unique as fingerprints, right? >> iris scans are quite unique but they, there isn't a large database or repository of iris scans available to compare against at this point. that's why the facial recognition is an attractive technology for the vendor to propose because there are more mug shots and facial recognition data out there as opposed to iris scan data. but the predominant use of this technology as it will be employed in the field will be the facial recognition component, not the iris scan component. jon: so your concern has more to do with the possible errors that are made rather than what you see as an invasion of privacy?
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>> well, the error risk is tremendous risk to anyone who is stopped by the police, questioned and had their photo snapped under this program but the privacy risk is also real because there are clear legal standards for the search of an individual when they're in public space. there are clear legal standards for law enforcement to take a fingerprint. they have to have reasonable suspicion that the individual is a suspect in a crime. but right now the only clear legal standard that's out there concerning this sort of technology is one legal standard that says, police can take photographs of individuals in public spaces as they will. another legal standard that says, this sort of invasive search should be subject to a warrant requirment or probable cause. so those two standards run up against each other and you get real confusion in the field about when it's appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use this sort of technology. that's why our view congress ought to step in before the program even getting rolling and shut it down and
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consider whether or not the imposition of strong warrant requirement is appropriate. jon: john verdi from the open government project. thank you. patti ann: new information on the retirement of a 6-year-old girl. some are calling her a pioneer of the pageant world. hair russ faulkner has more on this for us. hi, harris. >> patti ann this is not without controversy. she is pioneer in the pageant world but a lot of parents are saying has she been pushed too hard? 6-year-old eden wood after taking the pageant world by storm. 300 wins. a lot of people know her from toddlers and tierras. she has appeared on the show for the last time. "abc news" got an interview, why don't we see if we could have a hollywood contract, reality show, spot on disney program. it is the american dream and it is her destiny. she admits she doesn't want to push her daughter too hard. eden wood is very popular. she has a line of canopy
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beds coming out in addition to other things that bear her name and likeness. we'll see what happens. the big headline in all of this is, that there is some controversy with this. people feeling like okay you put the pageant thing down but now you pick up all these other projects for a little girl who is just six. we'll see what happens. patti ann? patti ann: harris thanks. >> sure. jon: on the other side of the world, a temple filled with treasure hidden away in six secret chambers. now at the center of a huge battle for control over a fortune in gold, jewels and coins.
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jon: the most popular sailing event in the world heading to the city by the bay. now some san francisco businesses are expanding because with all those boats,
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well they're floating in on a sea of business and expected influx of more than a billion dollars. claudia cowan live in san francisco for us. claudia? >> reporter: jon, the america's cup sales into san francisco two summers from now with the promise of an economic windfall though it is not smooth sailing for everyone. as the world's best racers prepare for the america's cup in 2013, organizers are hopeful the event will bring sailing to the people and leave money in its wake. an estimated $1.4 billion is spent at shops, hotels. and restaurants like water bar. >> i think we'll probably see somewhere between a ten to 20% increase in business over that two-week period. >> reporter: scores of merchants are planning to hire creating an estimated 8,000 new jobs by race time but for some businesses it is breakers ahead. 77 waterfront tenants are being evicted to make way for an america cup's village,
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cruise ship terminals and public viewing areas. among those pulling up stakes, the one of the city's top tourist attractions, with more than 100 employees one of the port's biggest tenants. without a new big top, this long-running dinner show could close for good. just down the embarcardo the manager of this popular soccer facility hopes with the city's help he can reopen somewhere else. >> if san francisco soccer and other businesses are looked after by the city and the port everything will work well. >> reporter: that is certainly the city's hope as well. with time-trials starting next year and other race is on to put san francisco's best face forward not only for the huge crowds. 500,000 people are expected to be here to watch the america's cup but for the critical tv audiences and potential bay area visitors watching around the world. jon? jon: amazing numbers. claudia cowan thank you. patti ann: a treasure worthy of indiana jones hidden away
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beneath a royal temple. a hindu shrine in southern india guard ad secret hoard of gold, silver, precious stones and at that time tuesday, worst estimated $22 billion and counting. joining us on the phone a professor of anthropology at the university of michigan. she has conducted archaeological research in southern india since 1983. thanks for joining us, carla. this treasure was discovered late last month in a basement of a temple in kerala in vaults that had been sealed for more than 140 years. that estimate of $22 billion came before they finished opening the last couple of vaults. do you know what the latest figure is? >> i think that's where they are now. they have put a hold on opening the final vault for a few days until they figure out exactly who and how that is going to happen. so right now, we're still around 22 billion and people are saying maybe less, maybe more. we'll see where it ends up.
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patti ann: include idol figurines made of pure gold. 1200 gold chains. gold plates, diamonds, rubies, emeralds. why would so much wealth be in a buddhist temple? >> hindu temple actually. patti ann: hindu temple. >> this area of south india kerala, is the center of the spice trade for many, many centuries. it is an area of considerable wealth and royal donors, this is a temple associated with the royal family of the capital of kerala. and they gave again russ donations to the temple really over the last 1,000 years. and merchants and traders and pilgrims and many other devotes to the temple, like many hindu temples certainly a larger scale than most got considerable wealth as a result. patti ann: there is a huge legal battle over what
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should become of these riches and there's a lot more to discover about this story still ahead. carla, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. patti ann: and today's must-see moment is next. don't go anywhere. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein!
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure hh protein. ensure! nutrition in charge!
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jon: as we usually do at this time, we've invited you to choose our must see moment of the day. harris what's our winner? >> reporter: 9787 dreamliner by boeing, alapon airlines landed the first one in new delhi. it is impressive, made of carbon fiber, it makes it very, very light, according to other airlines, if -- to boeing if other airlines picked this up it would save money because they wouldn't have to refuel as many times, they could do more big trips in the air. my question is would that make tickets cheaper. jon: a lot of american jobs riding on that, too. thank you for


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